
I think I'm paranoid.  When Bria is awake and kicking about, I wish she would just fall asleep.  She hasn't slept much since yesterday.  And she woke up every hour (again) last night.  According to my research, babies are supposed to sleep at least 16-18 hours a day.  My baby didn't even sleep for 4 hours over the past 2 days!

Then, when she is finally asleep and lying so still, I start to worry if she is still breathing.  Sometimes, I will even try to wake her up by changing her diaper etc.  Just so that I can see her "come alive", even if it means she starts crying.  Yes, i know.. So silly right..

I've been trying to teach Bria the difference between day and night so that she can establish "normal" sleep patterns.  So for the whole day yesterday, i did not take my afternoon nap.  And I did not let Bria sleep much.  I kept disturbing her, playing with her and tickling her, and purposely turning on the TV loud.  All these with the hope that she will be so tired at night that she will sleep at least for a stretch of 4 hours.  But she didn't.  And this morning, she was still so alert and active.. What a strange baby.. Sigh.. = )

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