I brought Bria to my grandma's house in the evening today. Thought i might pay her a visit, since it's been almost 2 weeks since she last saw Bria during her first month party.
Took a cab there with C, and got a discount for my taxi fare. I only had a $5 note and a $50 note. The fare was $6 but the driver had no small change for my $50 so he decided to give me a $1 discount.
When i stepped into the house, my grandma asked me whose baby i was carrying.. I was so sad.. Didn't know my grandma's memory had deteriorated that much.. = ( Looks like she only has short term memory loss. She can remember things that happened a long time ago, but not recent events. The strange thing was, when i continued to talk to her and stimulate her memory, she said she could remember Bria and coming to my house during her first month party. She even asked me if Bria's name is "Baby".. = )
I met up with my in-laws for dinner.. we went to view this house n Kembangan that K and both of them liked. But because i did not go for the last viewing, they wanted to bring me to take a look before they make an offer.. The house was junk, but built on a very big piece of land, so there was plenty of potential with a total makeover.. Plus, it's located in a nice residential neighborhood..
Sigh.. I'm not sure if i am making the right decision here to move in with my in-laws.. So many of my friends who are staying with their in-laws are already complaining to me that they wish they had their own house and their own privacy. And here I am, trying to move out of my own house to stay with my in laws!! If my friends know, they sure say i siao! = P
January 20, 2010 at 9:18 AM