Bria is 3 months and 6 days young! My baby has grown and changed so much over the last 3 months. = )
She has learnt how to babble, her head is much more steady now, K and I discovered she can flip herself over, and just today, we heard her first laugh! I finally managed to get a video recording of Bria babbling, laughing and also trying her flip. But YouTube's taking bloody long to upload my video so will upload it on my blog later.
Apparently, C has known for some time that Bria can flip over herself and laugh. But she told me that this morning's laugh was a rare one cause it was quite a long one. I'm quite disappointed that I wasn't there when Bria had all these "firsts"!
Upon Jasmine's suggestion, I decided to rent some toys for Bria to try out first before deciding whether to buy new ones. So i signed up with this rental company, and got Bria this Fisher Price "Aquarium Swing" with lights and music.
Bria doesn't really seem to like it so far.. She keep having this puzzled look on her face.. No smiles at all to show that she is excited and likes being on the swing. The swing DID, however, managed to swing her to sleep, which is a good thing I guess!
Bria falling asleep in her new swing!!