If i had to choose a special power..

There is so much i want to say.. but can't.. if only certain people can read my mind..

If i could choose to have a special power, i would want to be able to read people's thoughts and transfer my thoughts to them.. something like one of the characters in "HEROES".. OR i want to be invisible.. although these days, i already feel like i am invisible.. it's my ADD at work again.. = (

Feeling more depressed as the days passed by.. August is soon coming to an end, what will happen to me then?

Today has been an uneventful day at work.. i had some really nice mixed vege rice for lunch, will probably go back there again soon.. the LPG folks had lunch with their dealer at 88 restaurant.. lucky them.. how i wished i was invited too.. not long after lunch, X got to go for customer visits with A again.. think they both went home early after the visit. I left the office early today too.. no mood to work these days.. supposed to go to Zouk today to get myself drunk and drown all my sorrows, but thought it would be better if i don't.. firstly, i wasn't feeling too well, Secondly, it will be with a bunch of guys i hardly knew and i would probably hinder them from picking up girls.. and lastly, I didn't want my face to get worse from clubbing late at night..

Then again, i don't know how long i can hang on before i really burst and have the urge to go drinking and dancing again.. to forget all my unhappiness..

There's a song that has a chorus which goes: "Be careful what you wish for! Cause you just might get it all, you just might get it all..." Sometimes, i wish that was true.. thing is, seems like recently, i'm not really getting what i wish for.. maybe i should go and see a shrink..

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