K and I attended a talk by renowned investment expert and billionaire Jim Rogers yesterday afternoon. This was an event organized jointly by the NUS Business School and ACE (Action Community for Entrepreneurship) and held at the University Cultural Center - the exact same place where i had my convocation 4 years ago.
As i stepped into the Cultural Center, a wave of nostalgia swept over me.. It was nice to be back again. I had a minor flash back of me and my friends wearing our white and blue BIZAD convocation gowns and square hats, holding our scrolls and flowers and just being glad that we finally graduated.
On hindsight, i regretted not asking K to come and attend my convocation. At that time, i had only 2 tickets and naturally, i invited my parents. Nonetheless, my elder sister came and waited for me outside. Should have asked K to do the same so at least we could take some photos.. Now, i don't have any nice photos of us on my graduation = (
I tried to look around for familiar faces, but saw none. There was a huge crowd lining up to enter the hall, so i asked K to join the queue while i go register us for the talk. At that time, i was both hungry and thirsty. I had gone to the gym during lunch earlier for a 30-min run and had nothing but fruits for lunch.
Previously, when i went for a talk by HYFLUX CEO Olivia Lum, they served snacks, but this one did not. They don't even have drinks!
The doors opened 5 minutes later and we went in and found ourselves a good spot. I started pointing out to K the exact spots where i queued up to receive my scroll, where my parents sat during the ceeremony.. etc etc.. I was nostalgic all over again.. = ) The talk didn't begin until nearly 20 minutes later.. By then i was getting impatient and hungrier by the minute.
Overall, the talk was not too bad. Jim is indeed very impressive. His wealth of knowledge is so wide i feel as if he's a walking encyclopedia! Then again, we're talking about a man who retired at the age of 36 and took 3 years to travel around the world (116 countries) in his modified yellow Mercedes 4-wheel drive. He talked about how the world is changing. How we are moving from a century where the USA is THE super power, to a century where Asia, more specifically, China is becoming the super power. And USA is just dying off with its Trillion dollar debt and lousy policies. He talked about how commodities will soon become THE money making investment, and how farmers will be driving Maseratis in the next 10-15 years. He is so convinced that Asia is the next BIG thing, that he has decided to move from New York and settle down in Singapore. His 5-year old daughter even knows how to speak perfect Mandarin.
Then he spoke about the huge water problems in India and Northern China, and how water treatment will become the next big thing also. There were a lot of interesting questions during the Q&A. Unfortunately, i thought the Q&A was too short.
After the talk, K and I decided to invest in more commodity unit trusts and funds, and buy HYFLUX shares. = )