My complaint letter to York Hotel..

Here's the super long complaint letter that i sent to York hotel, to bitch about the front desk girl with the super bad attitude..

I got a reply yesterday from their PR manager with the usual script of how they had reprimanded the girl, how they will take note of the bad customer service in their staff and looking forward to my next visit.. yada yada.. She didn't even get my last name right the first time. Called me Miss "Woon".. Somehow, i don't think my letter really changed anything.. just made me felt slightly better that's all.

Actually, it's just tough luck on the girl that i have so much free time in the office these days so i can write the super long letter.. = P

Good afternoon,

I wish to share with you the extremely unpleasant experience i had staying in your hotel for the first time over the recent weekend.

My family and I checked into Rooms 726 and 727 on 30 September 2008 on a 2D/1N complimentary stay at the York Hotel.

We were attended to by Guest Relations Assistant Miss Jaminah when we checked in around 1145am.

Firstly, there was no greeting from Miss Jaminah. No "Good Afternoon", no smiles. Zilch. And throughout the whole check-in process, there was no eye contact from her. The whole time, she was staring down at her computer and at whatever papers she was processing. My mother-in-law and I were then asked for our identification in the rudest way when Miss Jaminah, still no eye contact, simply stretched out her hand and said: "Passport? IC?" Because my mother-in-law had not brought along her passport or IC, she informed Miss Jaminah, who in turn replied by saying: "You don't need to go home one meh?!" As if we were supposed to check into your hotel only to return home to retrieve our passport and IC for her to process.

Needless to say, I was shocked at the attitude that Miss Jaminah displayed; not only as a professional, but also as a front line ambassador tasked to promote and preserve the good image of the hotel. In my opinion, she had shown total disrepect to the customer. Even the front line staff at Hotel 81 can show more professionalism than those at your hotel. Through this experience, i can sense that Miss Jaminah is clearly lacking interest and motivation to excel in her work. Either that, or the treatment is due to the fact that we are on a complimentary stay and hence, non-paying customers.

I had expected a much higher level of service from your hotel, given that it's part of the Goodwood Park chain, and also the tagline displayed on your website:

"Experience the Warmth of True Hospitality". If this is your idea of true hospitality, then i must say you guys have a long way to go. Frankly, I am very disappointed. In addition to Miss Jaminah's hostile treatment to us, we were also made to wait for almost an hour when we requested to switch rooms from the 5th to the 7th floor. To top it off, we were given 4 complimentary carpark coupons that had expired. My husband and I had to face the embarrassment of asking all the cars behind us to reverse back when we were at the carpark barrier and were unable to utilize the coupons.

I hope that you will consider my feedback and take the necessary steps to improve the morale of your employees and from there, your customer service standards. The hotel industry may be booming, and business will still come despite the bad customer service standards, but in the long term, allowing such incidents to continue occurring will only affect the reputation of your hotel.

I will be informing my friends and family about this experience, and hope that our subsequent visits to your hotel (if any) will be less unpleasant.

Thank you.

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