Bria is 3 weeks old!

Bria just turned 3 weeks old yesterday.. For the past week, she hasn't been sleeping well.. and we got really worried.. She only sleeps like 4 hours a day when she's supposed to be sleeping 14-18 hours a day!  Plus, she cries a lot and keeps wanting to be carried before she can fall asleep.  Thing is, babies only engaged in Non-REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep so the minute we stop carrying her and put her down in her cot, she cries.  So poor C had many sleepless nights taking care of Bria.  Me and K took the day shift so C can rest.  It got so bad that we gave in and took the mobile sarong from my sister.  K and I had been so dead sure that we will not let Bria sleep in a sarong.. Sigh..

That night when we put Bria in a sarong, she slept.  But because the sarong is not the automatic type, we had to keep moving the sarong so Bria can sleep.  Which still meant that C cannot sleep at night.  The good thing is at least we don't have to carry her all the time. 

On New Year's Day, K and I brought Bria to K's grandma's house for dinner and mahjong.  I was quite reluctant to bring Bria at first, but as usual, all his aunties kept pressurizing us to bring her so they can play with her.  Plus, K really wanted to go. Think he is quite bored to be stuck at home with me and baby all the time, so i decided to go and enjoy a little family warmth.. = )  And I didn't regret it.. Cause Bria was being cooed at and carried the whole night, while i played mahjong.. haha.. Plus i also got to play "Twister" with the cousins.  I kinda regretted THAT, although i had a lot of fun, cause i think i "injured" myself while playing it.  Now my lower abdomen feels weird.  Hopefully it's nothing serious..

Sigh.. both long weekends are over.  Tomorrow reality starts for most of us.  School reopens for the kids, and adults gotta go back to work.  But for me, I am still in holiday mood!! haha..

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