15 Aug 09: Markets & Museums (M&M)

Today was M&M: “Markets & Museums” Day. The 4 of us went to Canterbury weekend market, the Canterbury Arts Center and the huge Canterbury museum.

I had fresh milk and my 2 Japanese buns for breakfast today. Actually, I am supposed to be drinking milk every day, but I have not been doing so. Rather, I have been drinking Milo and adding a dash off fresh milk into my Milo for taste. Unfortunately, I have run out of Milo and K refused to let me buy more so I am drinking milk now.. = (

After breakfast, we drove to the city for the weekend market, with the hope of finding a few crates of cheap golden kiwi fruit, so we can bring some back to Singapore. We didn't. Instead, K and I bought a dutch almond cake for breakfast tomorrow after tasting the yummy sample that the stall owner offered us .. We tasted 3 types of home made cakes which were all very yummy. But we only bought one.

It was the arts center after that. We were expecting to find art galleries inside the center, but found instead numerous arts and crafts shops selling all kinds of stuff ranging from food, beads, $10 earrings to $35,000 oil paintings. We spent about 2 hours there before leaving for lunch. On the way to our car, we saw the warden issuing us a ticket. EK tried to call out to him that we are leaving, but it was all too late. We got a hefty fine of $60 for being just 15 minutes late. Sickening! Our plan for today had been to look for free stuff to do, but looks like we just paid $60 for the “entrance fee” to the otherwise free entry arts center. Sigh..

Lunch was at the same cafe that K and I went to yesterday. This cafe sells really cheap food. A big plate of fried rice for $2, and one big honey chicken thigh for another $2. So one can have a decent lunch for $4 which is really cheap.

After lunch, we walked to the Canterbury museum and spent the next 3 hours there exploring the huge place. K and I walked until our feet ached. But we learnt a lot of interesting things like the Antarctica, Asian arts, birds and marine life, ancient Egypt mummies, astronomy and colonial costumes etc. It was a massive library of knowledge. We also spend a lot of time at this children's section, where the museum had turned an entire foyer into a huge playground for kids to learn about their body and its functions. Like the functions of our nose, the eyes, the heart, the intestines etc. There were fun games to play like balancing yourself on a machine, 3D tic-tac-toe, puzzles etc. That was the only place in the entire museum that was bursting alive with kids running around and screaming. That was also the place where I laughed until I teared twice just by watching the kids. Once was when I saw this really cute baby all wrapped up in winter clothes in his pram falling asleep. Like one of those videos we see on “America's Funniest Video”. The second time was when I saw this little boy who was running towards the stair case screaming and his pants falling down. He was like climbing up the staircase and pulling his pants at the same time. It was hilarious.. = )

We explored the museum until we got chased out cause the museum had closed. Don't think we managed to finish touring the entire museum. I am beginning to wonder if this museum is as big as the Louvre, although it sure doesn't look like it from the exterior.

Left with less than an hour of sunlight, we decided to head to the supermarket and buy ingredients for our dinner. Dinner was a sumptuous feast of stir fried vegetables with mushrooms, pan fried hoki fish, cream of chicken soup and sausages with steamed rice... It was delicious and so homely!

After dinner, the 4 of us played 2 rounds of “Cluedo”. EK won the first round, while I won the second. = ) Halfway through the game, my parents called me, and we spoke about whether I will be returning to SG etc. Mom seems to be so worried that I won't get a confinement lady cause I am not experienced and will definitely need help. Mom mentioned something about me not suppose to touch water during confinement etc. However, with me losing 5 months of income, I am not sure if we should spend the money just to get a confinement lady for 28 days. After all, I still need to do everything myself once the confinement lady leaves.

EK and K are now playing “War Craft” on the laptop LAN, while I am locked up in my cell blogging and listening to classical music with baby. I wonder how baby is inside me. It seems to be more active at night, cause I can feel more movements every night just before I sleep. 2 nights ago, I felt the strongest movements from baby. It was like he is using his finger or elbow to poke my stomach from inside. Yesterday night, I asked K to lie beside me and put his hand on my stomach so he can feel baby move. But baby did not move. Haha.. so naughty.. = )

In less than one week, I will know my baby's gender. Really looking forward to it. Somehow, I know this baby is going to be a really special one (in a positive way). = )

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