Pre Natal Blues

I might be suffering from a mild case of pre-natal depression.  I wouldn't say i have been the happiest of my pregnant self, cause i have had quite a few breakdowns since i got pregnant, the last being one week ago.

During my recent breakdown, I rattled on in between sobs and complained to K about how he doesn't seem to have time for baby and me, how he is always so busy with work that we don't have enough "us" time, and how he can't even set aside 3 minutes at night to talk to the baby in my tummy...  Till now, I'm still not sure if those were the REAL reasons why i broke down.  Or whether I'm just plain nervous and scared shitless about the fact that I am going into labor in 7 weeks time.

Anyway, after my outburst, things have changed.  K had a pretty long talk with Bria the night after, just before we went to sleep.  I know it's really difficult for him to talk to a bump in my tummy, cause it CAN be rather weird.  So I thought it was really sweet of him to try.  He actually talked to my tummy for more than 3 minutes, sharing with Bria the origins of her name, and the life of Bria Theren from Star Wars.  He stopped  talking when i couldn't help it and burst out laughing.. = )

Over the weekend on Saturday, we spent some "us" time at the HortPark.  It was the first time at HortPark for both of us, so it was quite a nice trip.  The weather was too hot though, so we didn't take much photos and we didn't finish walking through the entire park.  We went for Macdonald's breakfast at East Coast after that, and then headed home to watch the movie "Fool's Gold".  My in laws came over shortly after, and we left to view more houses in the afternoon.

In the evening, we attended my niece's kindergarten graduation ceremony at this outdoor park in Tampines.  By the time i reached, i had missed my niece's graduation cause the ceremony started early.  Mah Bow Tan was the guest of honor, and I was surprised that he sat on the floor mats like everyone else.  There were several dance performances by the 6 year old graduates in colorful costumes, and it was all so cute i couldn't stop smiling throughout.  K on the other hand, was more occupied with spotting Mah Bow Tan's bodyguards.  Such is the difference between us women and men! = )

Yesterday, we had ramen for lunch at my in law's place. It was more house viewing after that. with my father and sister in law.  K and I then spent some "us" time reading in the library, and i witnessed yet another case of "Ugly Singaporeans" when two middle aged men started arguing loudly over who should get to read the newspapers.  One of them even challenged the other to a fist fight. My goodness!

B and J came over to our place for mahjong in the evening.  We played for almost 2 hours, and I didn't even win a single game! Who said pregnant women are lucky in gambling?

1 Response to "Pre Natal Blues"

  1. Hollywood Tai Tai Says:

    Oh babes! Keson is working hard for Bria and you! Baby coming, lots of expenses to worry about. I'm sure Bria and you are on his mind all the time!
