Stroller Dilemma

K and I are exploring options for Bria's stroller these days.. Everytime we pass by a mother with a stroller, we will pay extra attention to the brand, the design etc.. It's funny how people don't notice things around them until they need it.

There are just so many options in the market that we are kinda lost.  2 weeks ago, while K and I were shoppin around in Tanglin Mall, K saw several strollers lined up in a row outside a shop front.  So he went to "test" some of the strollers and pushed it around.  It was after a while that he realized that the "shop" was actually a clinic and the receptionist inside was staring at him cause the strollers belonged to her patients!  That was totally hilarious. = )

I guess we are just too engrossed with finding the perfect stroller for Bria.  So far, we are down to 2 options: the Stokke Xplory, and the Maxi Cosi.  I wonder which one Bria will prefer?

1 Response to "Stroller Dilemma"

  1. Hollywood Tai Tai Says:

    I have officially put Kelly off from having kids when I told him how much strollers cost. :p