12 Dec: Bria has arrived!

1 day after i adopted 2 of the 3 methods to bring on early labor, Bria arrived.  Talk about effective methods!

I started showing signs of labor at 1 in the morning when my tummy started feeling weird and i had an urgency to crap.  In fact, i crapped 3 times before K and I finally decided to go to the hospital.  In the midst of all the crapping, i had a minor "bloody show", another sympton of labor.  Contractions didn't really come until around 3 plus 4am.  In fact, K and I were not even sure if they were contractions at first, cause it wasn't that painful, and I was too nervous and excited to remember all the stuff i read about contractions (how long they last and how often they should come etc.. )  We tried to call the number given by Dr. Lim in the event of labor, but got the emergency ambulance hotline instead.  And his clinic was definitely not open at this hour, so that was out.   So i got kind of frustrated cause K kept asking me if we should go to the hospital, and what are the characteristics of contractions before labor etc.  All my months of research somehow went down the drain as i forgot everything when the contractions started getting more painful.  In the end, K opened up his laptop to research on contractions while i sat on the toilet bowl and groan in pain.

We finally decided to head to the hospital after K called the hospital main line, told the nurse my symptoms, and was advised to go to the hospital immediately.  As per my mother's prior advice, i quickly took a warm shower and washed my hair.  Rationale being i won't be able to do that after i gave birth due to all the stupid confinement rules..

K called a cab and I was literally groaning and moaning loudly throughout the entire journey.. The taxi driver drove so fast.. i think he's worried i would give birth in his car.. haha..  We were lucky cause it was in the wee hours of the morning, so there was no traffic and we got to the hospital rather quickly.

Upon reaching the hospital around 4 plus, i somehow found the energy to get out of the car myself and walked to the reception.  By then, i couldn't speak coherently at all, so i just continued to groan and moan loudly while K rushed to talk to the nurse, who in turn pointed us to the direction of the labor ward.  Despite my intense pain, i actually had to climb up a flight of stairs to reach the labor ward cause that was the fastest and more direct way.  Naturally, i was cursing under my breath as i climbed.

The entire process after that was pretty surreal.  K and I waited inside a room while the nurses busied around.  I was asked to change into the labor gown, pass urine etc.. I also had my cervix checked.  It was 3cm.  I screamed when the stupid nurse put her hand inside me cause that just upped the whole pain quotient to a whole new level. I was referred to by the nurses as the "patient in distress" cause i was groaning so loudly throughout!

I was transferred to the delivery ward shortly after, where I was told that i had to wait for another 7 more hours for my cervix to dilate to the required 10cm and i can start to push.. I had so many tubes running in and out and around me.. There was the drip, which i absolutely hated, the blood pressure measure, a tube for my urine, and god knows what else.. I was also given laughing gas to breathe while waiting for my epidural to come.  I breathed until i felt the whole room spinning, but the pain was still unbearable for me.  I could still remember somebody handling me a consent form to read and sign for the epidural.  I couldn't even be bothered to read.  In fact, i signed immediately and wanted them to get the hell on with it so i could get rid of the pain.  I was jabbed twice for the epidural cause the stupid man couldn't find the right spot in my spine the first time round.  Then i had to wait for like 10 minutes before i felt my lower body go numb and the pain subsided.  After that, it was the waiting game.  I still can't believe i had the epidural, especially after reading about how it is administered.  But i guess it's true when they say the pain from contractions is 10 time worse that you won't even think about the pain from the epidural!

During the next 7 hours of waiting, K and I slept.  Or at least, I tried, although i don't think i slept at all.  I could still feel slight pain from the contractions, plus i could feel the stupid blood pressure wrap tightening around my right arm every half hour or so.  And i was really worried because this stupid Dr. Lim was on leave, so I was going to have Bria delivered by another gynae whom i haven't even met before. I still can't believe he told me Bria won't arrive within the next 7 days!!

K stayed with me throughout the entire episode.  In fact, he was so worried something would happen if he went away that he didn't drink water at all for fear of having to go to the washroom.. so sweet right.. = )
The nurses joked with him and asked if he would be able to watch the birth, cause they've had a big burly man fainting in the delivery room when the baby's born.  The nurses actually left the poor man lying on the floor cause they had no time to attend to him!  Of course, my brave husband went through it all without fainting. = )  He could even tell me (while counting) when he saw the baby's head coming out!

The real labor began at around 930am.  By then i was 10cm dilated and the nurses came and assist me in the pushing.  The first nurse was rather fierce.  She scolded both K and I.  Me for not pushing the right way, and K for not counting my breathing for me the right way.  Because i had asked to increase the epidural dosage, i couldn't really feel so it was harder to push.  Plus, i had not recovered completely from my flu and cough so i was kinda drained of energy.  For the next 1 hour or so, the whole delivery room was full of noises.  My constant groaning, K counting to 10 as i hold my breath, and the nurses repeating on and on: 1, 2, 3 PUSH...!!! = )

After about an hour, the nurses gave up and asked for the doctor to assist.  I was asked if i wanted to use vacuum or forceps, but i was determined not to cause i wanted it to be as natural as possible.  So i pushed.  The doctor had me cut and minutes later, Bria came out crying.  My placenta came out minutes after, which was pretty fast compared to what i had read.  When the nurses placed Bria in my arms, i started to cry.. The feeling is really undescribable.. = )

After the doctor stitched me up and left, and the nurses were cleaning up the whole bloody mess, K and I sang Bria a birthday song.. The nurses smiled. 

I was transferred to my ward shortly after with Bria beside me.  And then there was the whole informing friends and relatives process and settling down etc..

Here are some photos to mark the most eventful experience of my life = )

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My delivery room

Me with all the machines and tubes, waiting for Bria to arrive

The fruit of my labor.. K said her head looked like a papaya when she was born. = )

Present from mom and dad

  Bria - all cleaned up and wide awake!

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