It's my turn SOON!!

I got so freaked out yesterday when i got an sms from my colleague that his wife just gave birth..

I've been keeping in touch with his wife for the past few weeks and on and off throughout my pregnancy, cause our due dates were really close to each other.  And we are both having girls.

We were even supposed to meet up for lunch next week.  Her due date is on 18 Dec, while mine's 21 Dec. So when i got the sms yesterday that she had popped, i got so nervous.  Cause it means it'll be my turn very soon..

K didn't help when he said Bria will arrive in 3 days time this Sunday, since my due date is 3 days apart from hers.  Then after that, he "redeemed" himself by reassuring me that tens of thousands of women have done it for centuries so everything will be just fine..   =)

I really can't imagine how my labor will be like.  But as each day passes, i just get more and more nervous la!

1 Response to "It's my turn SOON!!"

  1. Hollywood Tai Tai Says:

    Sayang, I have a fear of that too and I'm not even pregnant. Don't think too much, when time comes, you will just go into auto-pilot mode lah.