Baby Talk 2

I was researching on what people say to their unborn baby, and found this forum posting by a to-be father. This is what he said to his wife's baby every night. So sweet!!

Me: Hi son/daughter, this is your Father speaking. I want you to know that we're very glad you're doing well inside this belly. Please take your time to grow, and have fun inside your little world. Your Mother & I are getting your room ready, and making sure that you'll have everything you need. Your room is coming along nicely. The crib is already in place, and we bought your bedding the other day. I'm getting back in shape in order to have lots of energy when you arrive. I want to be a good Daddy, spend lots of time with you, give you tons of love, provide you with things necessary for your development, and just be there for you. When Mommy is laying down she likes me to put the side of my head on her belly and hear what you're doing. Let's listen now.....

Baby: gurgle, swoooosh, knock, knock, gurgle, swoosh......

Me: Ok, sounds like your having a good time in there. Be nice to Mommy, and don't make her throw up to much. She likes it when you kick & play, but not to hard, ok? I know you like Science Fiction because the other day when we took you to see Star Wars you were very active! If you're a boy, I thought about naming you Luke so we could recite some lines from Episode V, but your Mother didn't like that. Ok, I have to go and do the dishes, the laundry, pick up the house, vacuum, scrub the toilets, go to the store for more of whatever Mommy is craving today, and finish painting your room. Love you!

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