Stand Chart Marathon & Fullerton Wedding

Yesterday was the annual Standard chartered marathon.. K and I were on our way to a wedding lunch and we drove past the runners.. actually i should call them walkers.. cause ALL of them were walking!! Not sure if these are the 21km or 42km people.. but they sure looked exhausted!

We participated in the 10km run 2 years ago.. how time flies. K says he want to go for the 21km next year.. we shall see ! = )

Our wedding lunch was at Fullerton Hotel. Seems like wedding lunches are becoming the "in" thing nowadays. This wedding we attended was for one of our friends in the MX-5 car club, and his Thai wife. Prior to their wedding, we had been playing a few sessions of badminton with this couple, so i guess that was the reason that got us invited. Cause we were the only ones from the car club in his guest list. So it was one of those weddings where we knew nobody at our table, and had to keep each other company throughout, hoping that neither of us had to go to the washroom or make a phone call during the meal. = P

Nonetheless, i thought it was a good wedding. The groom was so emotional that he cried during the solemnization while he was saying his vows, and then again during his wedding speech.. Such a sweet guy. Made ME tear too during the solemnization!
There were a few unique things which i thought made the wedding one of the more memorable ones:

* The wedding was held on the same day as the Stand Chart run, when all roads leading to the hotel were closed until 12pm. the solemnization was at 1130am. We were late but fortunately, did not miss much.

* Location of the solemnization was at the roof top garden of Fullerton Hotel: First that i've been to..

* The groom cried - TWICE!

* There were 3 emcees during the wedding lunch speaking in 3 different langugages: English, Mandarin and Thai

* The couple hired a pretty good Irish guy to play some love songs on his guitar and harmonica throughout the lunch

* The Maid-of-honor and Best man gave speeches (usually it's just the married couple)

* The couple did a slow dance in the ballroom (very Westernized..)

* One of the flower stands along the aisle nearly caught fire (one leaf was lighted up but the fire was put out almost immediately) !!

This couple nearly had to cancel their wedding because of the closure of the Bangkok airport. They didn't know if their relatives were able to attend, and they almost couldn't collect the bride's wedding gown in time cause the gown was in Bangkok! Talk about a memorable wedding !

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